COVID-19 Response


Safety Protocols

The health and safety of all of our composers, musicians, and community members is our priority. Our guidelines are subject to change and will be updated in accordance with federal, state, and county safety guidelines. Learn more.


In the early part of 2020, the coronavirus (COVID-19) reached our shores in the United States and brought with it an abrupt cessation of our daily activities. Here at the Gabriela Lena Frank Creative Academy of Music, composers who come through our programs know that they are voiceless without their beloved performer colleagues.  Learn more.

Tidriks Distance Learning

Tidriks Distance Learning (Boontling for “tea drinks/group activities/meet-ups”) is an exclusively virtual offering of GLFCAM teachings with no application or travel required. Since its inaugural year of 2020-2021, music literature courses on a diverse array of aesthetics and instrumental/vocal practicums specifically for composers are led by a vibrant roster of renowned and forward-thinking artists. Learn more.