5 Questions to Nicolas Lell Benavides [Cycle Six Composer Fellow from GLFCAM]


on February 21, 2019 at 6:00 am

Nicolas Lell Benavides is a Los Angeles and San Francisco-based composer from New Mexico. His comic chamber opera, Pepito, with librettist Marella Martin Koch, premiered in January as part of the American Opera Initiative at the Kennedy Center. Pepito is the love story of a rescue dog and his adoptive mother who share a Spanglish-speaking, carnitas-eating child/puppyhood.

Nick has worked with prominent groups such as Left Coast Chamber Ensemble, The Bay Brass, The International Orange Chorale, Friction Quartet, Nomad Session, MUSA, Siroko Duo, and One Found Sound, and he has been a fellow of the Gabriela Lena Frank Creative Academy and the Eighth Blackbird Creative Lab. A new string quartet for Friction Quartet, El Correcaminos, will premiere at San Francisco’s Center for New Music on March 29, 2019.

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Gabriela Lena Frank